Thursday, October 22, 2009

Goodbye For a Time. . .

My dearest friends and family!

I am officially at my half-way point: I have been living in Florence for nearly two months now, and I am gearing up to vacation from classes for fall break. Thanks to the deals that a local airline by the name of RyanAir, a few close friends and I are vacating Florence for ten days in Paris, Barcelona, and London.

Crazy, you say? Nay, say we! We are looking for a whirl-wind adventure through the cities that typify Europe.

I also want to take this time to thank you for reading my blog. It is nice to have an audience with whom I can share my adventures. . . or misadventures. . . and the photos I take along the way. Stay tuned for more stories from my travels outside of Italy, and please know that I will be away from the internet for that duration of time.

I am thinking of you all, and wish you a happy end of the month. Please take some time to go jump in a pile of leaves. . . or make a snowman on Halloween if you are in Colorado since it seems to have snowed ALREADY!

Better yet, for all those in Colorado I have a request: please go out and get a costume for Halloween that is completely unsuitable for snowy conditions. I have come to believe that part of the fun of a Colorado Halloween is wearing a large snow jacket over those cleverly crafted costumes. . . especially if you are in elementary school and are going door-to-door for candy!

Much Love,


P.S. I thought I ought to share with you all that I broke down the other day and purchased a jar of overly priced peanut butter. It has been exactly 48 hours since I purchased the peanut butter, and the jar is empty.

1 comment:

  1. AHHHH HA HA HA!!! My sophisticated European traveler still devours peanut butter like a first-grader! I miss you and love you : )
